Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A minor bump in the road

   We left the Nantahala Outdoor Center on Thursday.  It was a six mile climb that never seemed to end.  Evey time you came around a corner there was another hill to climb.  The spot known as the Jump Up is a rock outcrop with an incredible view, but is still not the end of the climb.  This climb was a true test of ones use of momentum.  Stopping to catch ones breath or readjust a pack strap, only makes the next three steps that much harder and more painful to get moving.  If that is what getting old feels like, no thank you. 
   That night wasn't much easier.  The Sassafras Gap shelter did not really have any good spots for a tent so we slept on a slope with the wind coming straight up the hillside and under the rain fly.  What's better is that Kris and I both got a bit of a head and chest cold.  Needless to say, the next day hiking was a bit tough and unfavourable weather was on its way in so we decided that a day off the trail was in order. 
   Donna from Cabin in the Woods picked us up at Stecoah Gap.  Her loft cabin was cozy, dry, and affordable.   It gave us a chance to recoup. She even gave us a ride into town to get some juice and cold medicine.   The weather only got worse while we were there, and with poor sleep because of the colds we stayed a couple of nights. 
Monday we had to get to Fontana Dam to pick up our packages that Momma Jane sent for us.  Our ride up there was a little later than we had hoped but we got to the Fontana Village and kind of fell in love with the place.  It is gorgeous.  The lodge gives awesome views of the smokeys.  The campus is huge.  There are rooms and cabins all different sizes.  Multiple swimming pools and playgrounds.  Hill billy putt putt and a full disc golf course.  Not to mention tons of hiking and outdoor recreation.  Since it was too late to get to the trail and we still had stuff to do, we decided to stay.  They gave us the thru-hiker rate, which was the deal of the century for this place. 
   The restaurant was a little pricey but man, did we eat.  2 appetizers,  2 entrees,  dessert, and drinks.  That food never stood a chance. 
So today we enter the Smokeys.  It will be a little while before I can update again.  Bringing up the rear for the Lollygaggers, we may see some of them again at Trail Days in Damascus.  We are planning on a mail drop in Gatlinburg, which unfortunately means we have to go into the tourist town, but I have been challenged in a hot sauce challenge, and the challenge has been accepted.  I just have to hike the 45 miles from the Dam to the road access to get there. 
   Check back in in about a week.  From Fontana Dam, the Great Smokey Mountain National Park Clingman Dome Lookout, and the Pepper Palace Nasal Napalm Challenge, there will be pictures. 

Photos below of wild flowers, a sweet rock outcrop from the climb out of the NOC, the view from the Fontana Lodge restaurant,  and a photo of Momma Jane at a waterfall on the AT during her visit. 


  1. The beauty you describe makes me feel like I am right there with you. The pain, well welcome to my world. I congratulate you on your determination and adverterous spirit. Step by step, inch by inch to the top. I love you very much. xo mj

    1. Hi Amanda and Kris, this is Aunt Jeanette. Your blogs are sooo much fun for the rest of us. What a great adventure. All I can do is grin when I read what you are up to. Love you and stay safe.
